Annual vs Pulse Employee Surveys
- Employee Survey
Video Transcription
If you ask any employee in any company to describe their job, they might tell you a lot of complaints. They might even list the repetitive nature of it as one of their core frustrations.
If you ask the CEO of the same company what their complaints are, they may have an entirely different set of issues to bring up, including having to deal with employees who complain too much! There are multiple ways to measure employee engagement: some companies perform comprehensive annual surveys while others prefer quarterly or biannual pulse surveys. However, there is significant research available, indicating that even more regular, weekly surveys would yield better and more actionable results.
Imagine you weigh yourself after a specific time period like the holidays and, upon seeing the initial shock of looking at the scale, you decide to lose 15 pounds by the end of that same year. Which approach do you think will yield better results:
a) weighing yourself one day before your deadline or
b) regularly throughout that year to see how much progress you’re making?
Much like the scenario with weighing yourself only once, doing an annual employee satisfaction survey will not give you the real-time data you need to make the necessary decisions and adjustments.
Annual surveys might seem a bit too time consuming and boring for employees, so they may tend to ignore the survey.
Also, there is a risk of annual surveys being ignored by those who get promotions, because there is a chance that they might not be with the company for a full year.
On the other hand, weekly surveys allow employees to communicate and get themselves heard in real time. A weekly survey can be a great way to welcome new employees and get them involved.
If you would like to discuss how to conduct highly effective regular employee surveys, please schedule a demo by clicking the “Live Demo” button above.